Monday, October 20, 2008

Part 1

Have you ever wondered if your being followed? While Pablo is not a human. Pablo is whatever you want him to be. However there is one thing that Pablo is....Pablo is real. Pablo is at times annoying. Pablo is at times a stalker, a helper, a friend, an enemy, a ghost, a other words you never know what Pablo is going to be tomorrow. However if you start reading with part 5 you would need to go back and read all of them before reading the new one. Pablo will do something new and interesting everyday. We start with Pablo in a coffee shop in downtown Seattle. It is a rainy day and rain makes Pablo sad. Pablo is at the coffee shop for the smell. Pablo loves the smell of coffee. This is part of Pablo's daily routine that went pretty normal up until today. When Pablo was sniffing the coffee he was approached by a stranger which was not weird other than the strange man began talking to Pablo like Pablo was a human. This man flashed his badge to show that he was FBI. The man whispered to Pablo "I know you're there". Pablo didn't say anything. The man said again "I know you're there". Pablo this time got up and left.

This is where we leave Pablo....
Stay Tuned For Part 2

1 comment:

Bev's Wild Adventures said...

Interesting, very interesting...